I absolutely love these two beauties <3 <3 <3 They are adorable, and for being 2 and 7 months, they were awesome!!! They never complained even though there were bugs flying around everywhere. 🙂 these are ONLY A FEW of the images captured that day!
Posts Categorized: Family
Beach Shoot
I absolutely ADORE these kids! Every fall for years now (maybe 5) I have taken photos of them, they are so much fun to photograph. I love watching how they have changed from year to year. This year we went to Westport beach, it was a cloudy and very windy evening, but I think that made… Read more »
Sweet 16
I love photographing sweet 16’s. They are so much fun, the thought that went into this event! Everything was perfect! Right down to the backdrop that they had made with Brianna’s name on it. The food, the DJ, the flowers and especially the family. They were all so nice. Just a sneak peek:
The “R” Family
I absolutely LOVE this family! They are so wonderful to work with, so easygoing and fun. This is the second time I had the pleasure of photographing them. The first time was 3 years ago and now they needed to update their photos. We had a great time at Twin Brooks Park, in Trumbull CT…. Read more »
Love this family
Just a sneak peek at this family…more to come…
So this is little Gabriel, and he was just PERFECT! Well…Ok so he did not want to sleep at all…But he never cried or made any fuss at all…..Well just a little at the end of the session, but who could blame him. I love this family, I love all the images that we captured,… Read more »
Ok so I have been slacking a bit on my posts, I had finished this little beauty a while ago. I wanted to share only my favorites but it was so hard… I LOVE them all!!! She is such a little beauty. She just wouldn’t sleep for us though no matter what we tried. She was… Read more »