My New Studio!!

I am so excited about my new studio and all the new props I have!  Although I LOVE natural light outdoor photography, I needed a studio for off season shoots! I set it up and had fun playing around with different lighting, thank GOD I had my friend Becky to help me out and be my Model.  🙂 e1B2c11780835_619880238048412_1429939398_n1939761_619814488054987_1468325023_n12373_619813618055074_1665107639_nMy niece was over, so I grabbed a few of her and my son…15103_619880521381717_1465870357_n1620672_619829318053504_1206708375_nMy poor husband who wanted no part of this walked by and I grabbed him too… I shot many pictures of him most of which were taken with him making funny faces.  I managed to get one serious moment. 1926764_619743184728784_1895946877_nNo  one was safe from my studio today… even the cat had to have photos taken….LOL

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