OK, OK so here they are, well not ALL of them not even close to all of them.  But enough to show exactly how much fun I had with this adorable baby and wonderful family.  Every picture was better then the one before.  I had no idea which one’s to post.  She is only 2 weeks old in these photos.  I can’t wait to take more photos of her when she turns 3 months!! 57116 1311461391622 3225425455 63 65 9 10021109–Isn’t she just a little angel?????—


OK so I’m having too much fun with these photos…. More to come!love2

-Baby Sneak Peek-

OK— so I can’t wait to share this photo shoot of adorable Emilia. Here’s a sneak peek….many more to come in the following week! 🙂



1653486_625556320814137_1134526762_nLighting is one of the most important thing in photography.  I always played around with lighting but wasn’t quite sure how to use it properly.  I always got the photos to look the way I wanted them too post production, but who wants to do all that work when getting the light right makes life SO MUCH easier!  These shots are right out of the camera other then a few touch ups on the models face!  Now I own all these fantastic lights and a studio in my house. Although I still love outdoor natural light the most, I can take the shoot inside if it’s bad weather outdoors.  🙂1962629_625556290814140_1980707518_n 1001283_625561254146977_1666326035_n 1619479_625560720813697_113204906_n 1620865_625556287480807_257170340_n 1654361_625556294147473_37634042_n 1661726_625556324147470_2071492345_n

My New Studio!!

I am so excited about my new studio and all the new props I have!  Although I LOVE natural light outdoor photography, I needed a studio for off season shoots! I set it up and had fun playing around with different lighting, thank GOD I had my friend Becky to help me out and be my Model.  🙂 e1B2c11780835_619880238048412_1429939398_n1939761_619814488054987_1468325023_n12373_619813618055074_1665107639_nMy niece was over, so I grabbed a few of her and my son…15103_619880521381717_1465870357_n1620672_619829318053504_1206708375_nMy poor husband who wanted no part of this walked by and I grabbed him too… I shot many pictures of him most of which were taken with him making funny faces.  I managed to get one serious moment. 1926764_619743184728784_1895946877_nNo  one was safe from my studio today… even the cat had to have photos taken….LOL

Valentine’s Fun

IMG_4283I Had some down time and this is what I did  🙂   Happy Valentine’s day everyone!!!

Real Estate Photos


OK, So I have always wanted to try Real estate photos…I thought it might be something fun to do especially on the slow times of the year.  I have to  admit it was challenging getting the lighting to be just right, the best angle to show the room and using a wide angle lens can also be a challenge.  But I could see myself doing many more Real-estate photos, and even opening it up to architectural photos as well.

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